This work presents a model of a transformer substation with parallel connection of independent consumers via vacuum switches. Several options of an electric arc model are considered upon switching off a vacuum switch such as: KEMA model and "black box" model. Modern computer models of vacuum switches were analyzed. Since the model data were not suitable for the conditions of the experiment, a simulation computer model was developed that reflects the specifics of the operation of the substation and of the transition process upon disconnection of one or several vacuum switches. The results of the developed methodology of analyzing transition processes were verified. To check the results of computer simulation, an experimental model was constructed, it consisted of: an electric load (inductive nature), a power supply, two vacuum switches, and a measuring circuit. The circuit is switched on and off using a pneumatic system controlled by a microcontroller. The primary purpose of the work is to check mutual influence of vacuum switches upon parallel disconnection, since there may be a restrike caused by effects of switching overvoltage between neighboring switches upon irregular disconnection. The effects of a transition process in one switch on the total current of the entire system were identified. A stand for a projected trial was demonstrated as well.
With continuing development of science and technology, high voltage electrical equipment performance has been improved very fast, and dashed out some of the new switch gear, for example, the F-C circuit. Through understanding and analyzing the principle, characteristic and function, etc of F-C circuit , describes its advantages in some areas relative to the circuit breaker, For example, the protection of a more timely, overvoltage lower, functions in line with more reasonable; the lower cost for. Purpose is to allow engineers to correct reasonable selection of high voltage switch when used in the design and to promote domestic F-C circuit development.
The design, operation and use are characterized for high voltage vacuum contactors in underground coal mines endangered by methane and coal dust explosions. Design of a vacuum contactor is shown in a scheme. Vacuum contactors are superior to electromagnetic contactors. Vacuum contactors have a reduced size and weight and are characterized by improved commutation properties. Under vacuum conditions, intensity of electric discharges is lower than in an electromagnetic contactor. Reliability of vacuum contactors is 16 to 20 times higher than that of electromagnetic contactors (90% of metal vapors caused by an electric arc settle on contact surface). No time consuming buildup removal or cleaning is necessary. Optimizing contactor position in a power system in underground mines is discussed. Efficiency of using vacuum contactors and the RC systems is discussed.