Oxygen absorbers are little packets of iron powder packaged in a material that keeps the iron in, but allows oxygen and moisture to enter and be absorbed. The iron absorbs the oxygen causing the iron to rust. As it rusts, or oxidizes, it absorbs any oxygen that may be present.
Why do I need Oxygen Absorbers?
Oxygen and moisture are two factors that destroy the value of dehydrated and freeze-dried foods. Theses elements have a detrimental effect on color, flavor, vitamin content, and fats of stored foods. Oxygen will enhance the growth of insects, bacteria, mold, and yeast in your food, accelerating spoilage. Oxygen absorber help to remove the oxygen in your container, leaving nitrogen. Dry foods are protected against spoilage and bacteria growth in a nitrogen environment. A “nitrogen flush” is often used to force the oxygen out of a product before it is sealed for storage. But even when a nitrogen flush has been done, it's still wise to include an oxygen absorber inside the container to help eliminate any remaining moisture. During the freeze-drying or dehydrating process, much of the moisture causing molding or spoilage is eliminated. An oxygen absorber will help to mitigate any moisture that remains once the food is packaged. Foods with a high moisture or oil content should not be stored in reduced oxygen packaging because it can cause botulism poisoning. Only store foods with in low moisture (10% or less) with oxygen absorbers. Oxygen absorbers actually remove oxygen more effectively than vacuum packaging because they only remove the oxygen rather than all the air.
What Type of Containers do I Need?
[Metallized cans] with seamed lids, [metallized bags], PETE plastic bottles with airtight, screw-on lids, and glass canning jars with metal lids and gaskets all do well with oxygen absorbers. Do not use plastic containers that are not identified as PETE or PET under the recycling triangle on the bottom of the container. Metallized cans and bags prevent light, another source of spoilage, from reaching your food with the added help of your oxygen absorbers. Oxygen absorber packets come in different sizes, two of the most common are 500cc and 2000cc. To decide which size is right for you, consider the size of the container you'll store your food in and the amount of empty space between the food particles and between the top of the food and the lid of the container. Some companies that manufacture absorber packets rate them according to their oxygen absorption capacity in milliliters, while others do so by the equivalent air volume (the actual total amount of air between the product pieces).