A clean room is a controlled environment where pollutants like dust, airborne microbes, and aerosol particles are filtered out in order to provide the cleanest area possible. Most cleanrooms are used for manufacturing products such as electronics, pharmaceutical products, and medical equipment. A cleanroom can be classified into different levels of contamination depending on the amount of particles allowed in the space, per cubic meter. Cleanrooms also control variables like temperature, air flow, and humidity.
Essentially, cleanrooms work to remove pollutants, particles, and contaminants from outside ambient air. Outside air is first circulated to a filter system. The filters (either HEPA or ULPA) then clean and decontaminate this outside air according to their specifications. The filtered air is then forced into the cleanroom. Additionally, contaminated air within the cleanroom is forced outside the room by registers, or it is recirculated back into the filters, and the process restarts.
There are a wide variety of reasons that a company may need a cleanroom. If you’re manufacturing something that is easily affected by contaminants or particles in the air for example, it’s likely that you’ll need a cleanroom. If you’re not sure, or if you’d like an estimate, give the experts at Angstrom a call. Here are a few common reasons you might need a cleanroom, and some common industries that regularly use cleanrooms:
Manufacturing Companies
Research Facilities
Pharmaceutical Companies
Medical Laboratories
Electronic Part Production
What is a sandwich panel?
A sandwich panel is a product used to clad the walls and roofs of buildings. Each panel comprises a core of thermoinsulating material, skinned on both sides with sheet metal. Sandwich panels are not structural materials but curtain materials. The structural forces are carried by the steel framework or other carrier frame to which the sandwich panels are attached.
Static pass box on the other hand is fitted only between two clean room areas and has no air supply or extract. It is also known as passive pass box and equipped with UV light.
We are ISO certified pass box manufacturers in India. Our pass boxes deliver low noise and easy to use operation, rugged construction promises long service life. Standard size is 2 x 2 x 2 ft. or 60 x 60 x 60 cm, we also make customized pass through boxes to any customer provided size. Every box is made to comply international standards and supplied at industry leading price in India.
What Is a Clean Bench?
clean bench is an enclosed laboratory bench that is designed to prevent pollution and contamination by controlling and keeping the air cleanliness level at a certain point. A clean bench is a type of laminar airflow cabinet (also known as a tissue culture hood).
Why Choose Laminar Flow?
Laminar flows are used in all industries where there are high demands on the purity of the air environment. Clean benches for particular environments are equipped with either horizontal or vertical laminar flow. This means that the air flows in one direction and at one speed in parallel lines without backflow. This type of protection and the right enclosure design ensures that the laminar flow protects the work on the clean bench surface. Laminar flow can carry contaminants away from the clean bench to where they can be efficiently collected by filtration and disposed of in another, even more convenient location.
Clean room doors are an essential part of cleanrooms since they are responsible for sealing the controlled environment. If they do not work properly, the cleanroom is exposed to a higher risk of contamination.
Here, Kleanlabs provide 10 key considerations when choosing a cleanroom door based on its many years in the cleanroom construction industry.