ng & Technology Co., Ltd. ,</p>ble Led Emergency Light ,Waterproof Led Flood Light,Led Rechargeable Flood Light</p><p>Aixuan Lightiht: unset;text-decoration:underline;">LED Rechargeable Flood Light</a></span></p><p></p><p>" style="color:unset;font-size: unset;font-family: unset;font-weig and sensing point setting) <br></p> <p><span class="keywords_replace"><a href="
http://www.eko-lamps (there is time setting and sensing point setting; the supermarket swing gate is not limited by timeat the exit. The staff is also in order. Whether the sensing point passes or not, the gate is closede specified time, cancel the permission of this cartoon line, re-swipe the card, and set up an exit ses, the gate is closed, swiping swab gate must be swiped first, after passing, in I did not pass thce and access control, when the card is swiped, there is automatic detection, whether the person pasotion. </p><p> Swipe swiping gate, mainly used in companies, factories, districts, etc. for attendanwill not pass the time, the number of restrictions, etc., is a new type of swing gate worthy of prom automatically alarm, in the entrance, as long as someone enters, the gate will automatically open, t the entrance, only one direction is allowed and illegal entry is made. Supermarket swing gate willno one enters the supermarket for consumption, the supermarket swing gate is automatically closed. A the supermarket swing gate is mainly an orderly passage of irregular traffic to supermarkets. When n ordinary consumer, it is impossible to bring access control and cards at any time. As we all know,ne;">Other</a></span>. <br><br> Supermarkets are public places. Everyone may enter and consume. As a/" style="color:unset;font-size: unset;font-family: unset;font-weight: unset;text-decoration:underlibe balanced with each <span class="keywords_replace"><a href=" types of swing gates. The usage method and the use occasions are completely different. Both cannot <p> <strong>Swing</strong> swiping <strong>gates</strong> and supermarket swing gates are different