ZENITH LAB(JIANGSU)CO.,LTD is located in No.12,Hongshan Road,Jinchenglndustrial area in Jintan,covering an area of over 10000 square meters with abuilt standard workshop of 5000 square meters.As a professional provider of laboratory apparatus,it producesover 80 thousand laboratory and scientific apparatus each year,80 percent ofwhich are shipped overseas It produces various types ofcentrifuges,incubators,dry ovens,stirrers,oscillators,water baths,oilbaths,distillers and sterilizers,with all kinds of auxiliary(quartzglass)apparatus.The products are popular both at home and abroad,especially thelow speed centrifuge,whose sales and production volume is among the tops in theindustry.We have also established a cooperative relationship with Koreanmanufactures in producing incubators.Moreover,we hold a number of productpatents which further strengthens our competitive capabilities both in thedomestic and international markets The products are widely used in theareas of medical treatment,education,scientific research,chemicalindustry,machinery,resources,environmental protection,etc.,and have won highpraise from customers in Southeast Asia,the Middle East,Africa,Europe andAmerica. We have established stable R&Drelationships with colleges and universities and offer research opportunitiesfor college students.Every year graduate students from Tsinghua University comehere to make technical innovations.In the future we will continue to pursueinnovation,apply advanced technologies and lay a solid foundation for thelong-run development.