The vacuum tubes absorb sun rays, and convert it to heat and heat the water inside of the tube. Then hot water in tubes rise through the tubes to the top of the tank, while cold water from the bottom of tank replaces it in the tube, to start the cycle again. This natural cycling of water driven by temperature difference keeps water hot when stored in an insulated tank, which is called thermosiphon. Solar water heater is a passive system, which absorbs sun rays passively. solar water heater can save electricity for water heating and supply hot water for both family and commercial use. Watertank capacity: 200L Ratedoperating pressure: 0.06 Mpa Grosssurface area 2.69 m2 Aperturearea 1.62m2 Dimensions(L x W x H) 1750x1976x1342mm Watertank dimensions φ450×1750mm Tankpackage dimensions 1820x550x490mm Watertank Weight 24 kg Innertank Material: Stainless steel SUS304-2B Innertank Diameter / thickness: 360 / 0.4 mm Outertank Material: Stainless steel SUS201 Outertank Diameter / thickness: 460 / 0.4 mm Sidecover Color: Stainless steel SUS201 InsulationMaterial / thickness: Polyurethane / 50 mm TubeNumber 20pcs TubeType: φ58 x 1800 mm three-target vacuum tube Tubepackage dimensions: 1870 x 330 x 165 mm,10 pcs in one carton. BracketMaterial: Stainless steel BracketInclination: 30 degree BracketWeight 8 kg Otherparts Electric heating provision hole