one .About Fluorocrystalline MicaFluorocrystallinemica, also known as fluorphlogopite mica, synthetic mica, artificial mica,synthetic mica crystal, belongs to the silicate type artificial mica crystal,is under the high temperature condition of 1500°C, through strict processconditions and material ratio, in platinum The mica crystals smelted in theyttrium have a chemical formula of KMg3(AISi3O10)F2(OH)-, and do not contain(OH)-. The (OH)-hydroxyl group is replaced by F-(fluoro), which is similar to thefluorite mica. Materials commonly used in the general industry are naturalmica. Natural mica is an underground ore naturally formed and belongs to theclass of silicates. Most of the industrial mica used is phlogopite (brown) andmuscovite. Its ideal chemical formula is KAI2(AISi3O10)(OH)2. OH)-(Hydroxy),due to the presence of hydroxyl (water molecules), its performance in allaspects is far lower than that of fluorocrystalline mica.The maincharacteristics of fluoride crystal mica:1, high temperature:can work long-term in the 1100 °C environment.The testingdepartment of the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy ofSciences (nationally recognized testing institute) tested the thermal weightloss of 8% at 1100°C for 48 hours, and the melting and devitrificationtemperature was 1375°C.2. Electricalinsulation: The volume resistivity is 10 times higher than natural mica.Electrical breakdown strength is PTFELean 10 times.3, hot and coldblasting stability is very good5 cycles of-40°C~70°C at the 5th Saibao Lab of the Ministry of Information IndustryInspection, allqualified.4, anti-corrosion:Fluorophlogopite doesnot react with acid and alkali solutions, and does not react with water. Underthe long-term (2 to 3 years) scouring of high-temperature and high-pressurewater (including acid and alkali), the original clarity and transparency canstill be maintained.5, high frequencyperformance:The dielectricconstant of fluorite mica is 4.6 ε, and the dielectric loss is (1~4)×10 −4 tgδ, and the dielectric loss is very low. And because of the pure texture, allparameters are extremely stable.6, optical propertiesSince the fluoritemica contains less impurities, its light transmittance is compared frominfrared to ultraviolet.High, thetransmittance is close to 100%.7, Mosaic(Mosaicity):The Mosaicite offluorocrystalline mica is less than 0.25 degrees, which was produced in theexperiment.The neutron flame isnot high enough to absorb multi-band light beams and is an ideal neutronmonochromator test material.8, vacuum deflationperformance:The evaporativevolume of fluorite mica is low, and it is measured with a mass spectrometer andthe trace gas released is onlyO2, N2, Ar and otheradsorbed gases. Since the H2O vapor is not released, this is extremely valuablefor use as an electrical vacuum insulation material, which can greatly increasethe service life of the vacuum device.9, excellent physicalproperties:Fluorocrystallinemica has atomicity flatness, transparency, separability and elasticity, notagingIt is not brittle andso on.Due to the hightemperature resistance, corrosion resistance, low frequency loss, and high bulkresistivityAbsorb multi-bandlight beam, excellent light transmittance and other advantages. Therefore ithas become an ideal new material in the high-end area.Fluorocrystallinemica Available in:In the range of 180mm×53mm or ∮76mm, it can be processed into various shapes accordingto user requirements. Thickness within the range of 0.02mm~1.0mm can beallocated according to user requirements. The conventional thickness is0.04~0.2mm.