At What Age Your Baby Can Use a Walker
Now that your baby is showing rapid signs of growth, you must be keen to see him take his first steps. Walking is an important event in the baby’s life and the parents, too, as it signifies independence. To help your baby along this path of discovery and freedom, you may want to encourage him by bringing home a walker.
Are baby walkers safe?
Experts say baby walkers aren't safe – and they don't help babies learn to walk faster, either.
Baby walkers are circular, wheeled toys with suspended seats. They're designed so your baby's feet can touch the ground while they're seated, so they can propel themself around.
Even as new safety features have been implemented over the years, thousands of babies every year end up in emergency rooms and doctor's offices from falling down stairs or bumping into furniture while in a walker.
Should I buy a baby walker for my child?
It is best not to buy a baby walker. Most experts and doctors strongly discourage the use of baby walkers as they are known to cause serious injuries and accidents.
Baby walkers are dangerous as they give babies extra speed, extra height and access to many hazards. They are also unstable on uneven surfaces. The use of baby walkers is a huge concern for many countries. In Canada, the sale of baby walkers is banned.
Most injuries are caused by falls when the baby walker tips and the baby is thrown to the ground. Or when a baby in a walker falls down the stairs, or bumps her head somewhere.
Babies in walkers can also crash into furniture, household equipment, indoor plants, doors or windows. There is also an increased risk of your baby being burnt by previously out-of-reach objects, such as candles, diyas, agarbattis, and cups of hot drinks.
Health Benefits of Riding Bikes and Adult Trikes
Being fit and healthy requires physical activity. Regular activity helps to ward of serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and obesity. Great harm is done to bodies that live a sedentary life style. Most people do not like going to gyms because they find them expensive and boring.
Bicycle and adult tricycle riding is a great way to keep active while also keeping a smile on your face. Cycling is a low-impact activity, which means that it something that can be enjoyed by almost everyone. Running is a high impact sport that does damage to knees, feet, and ankles.
Things About Swing Cars
If you’re honest with yourself, you will admit that you secretly envy your baby a little for being born in a decade where he has access to such cool and fancy toys and baby gear. How you wish you could play with those fine quality wooden toys or ride those cute and colourful swing cars which were popular back when you were a kid, but maybe not so affordable. Now, these are not just new and improved but they also come in various types and price ranges, making it possible for every parent to get one for their little racers. Watching your munchkin giggling and flaunting their shiny new toy is bound to get you excited!