Another noteworthy change in this update is the inclusion of
Lost Ark GoldPowerpasses. When you have the Punika Powerpass added recently and active, you can increase any character on your roster up to level 1302 immediately with the pass. The new security feature that's been added to the update that will make it so that any gold that you get when you use the purchase Powerpass will come with a time-limit for it. A period of three days must pass before you can access any gold you've been awarded. This is similar to other changes that shift gold gained to a bit later in the main questline and other steps intended to fight against the creation of bots and alt accounts for early gold.
Lost Ark Update Gifts a New Jukebox Song, Adds an additional waiting period for Powerpass Gold, and Fixes problems
In this week's update are several fixes to this week's alarm setting menu that should function as expected as well as text updates to ensure that Steam achievements more obvious on how to earn them and the removal of this week's Weekly Rapport Chest from the in-game store due to an issue.Being added to this update will be the legendary Arcanist's Empire Gem.Overall following last week's major July update this week's update is about fixes and tweaks. For details on this week's update that is scheduled to go down at 12AM , PT, head on over to Lost Ark for the full notes.
Lost Ark's newly implemented Punika Powerpass allows players to raise one of their low-level characters to level 50
With the latest update to Lost Ark, players saw the addition of a new class called the Arcanist. The update also contains new raid content, enhancements to upgrading characters, along with numerous other updates as well as improvement in the quality of life. Also, players saw the launch of a new Powerpass for speeding up their characters' progression to the current content. The system works in a similar manner to previous Powerpasses we've used previously
Cheap Lost Ark Gold. But, some players may be confused about how to acquire this new item.