As far as I can tell one of
Mut 23 coins these morons had to throw the flag since he believed Gay was taunting one of the Chiefs player, when there was no Chiefs player nearby. All because he was standing there standing with arms cross. Dassit. They all refused to look upwards at the Jumbotron to find out how absurd of a call they were about to make.
The Steelers had fought their a$$ off to get the Chiefs into a punt, but because of a completely random and inconsistant rule that permits referees to claim things they didn't see, one which also does not permit a review in order to keep refs honest as well, the Steelers defense was forced to go back onto the field, while the Chiefs carried on their drive.
They were still successful in restricting the Chiefs to an attempt at a field goal. But would that have been the scenario? What if the Chiefs had marched across the field after the incident and gained a touchdown that would have given them the momentum they needed to rally and win the game?
The league would have a lot to be held accountable if that had happened. A potential division winner knocked from the postseason because of a taunting violation on a player that didn't engage in taunting anyone. I could see the headlines.
Lem Barney offers the game that is football another 20 years of enjoyment before it's gone. The Hall of Fame defensive back announced his prediction and also expressed his disappointment in playing last week's Sound Mind and Body Camp in Michigan. The following day, Barney made apologies about having a room full football coaches confront an uncomfortable real-world aspect of the game. He stood by his words of his comments.