Theoretically, the cards of the new event as well as the Heros and Icons are 84+ gold players. But what is the probability of packing such a card? Correct, it's very low
FUT 23 Coins. There are many more 84+ cards than players in a TOTW. So, it is less likely to pack a good 84+ player than a good red pick, because the selection of the high rated players is simply much larger.
If it turns out to be true that you can ONLY pack gold players from the rewards, then playing the Weekend League is absolutely not worth it anymore. The red picks and the IF packs will be left out, but the rest of the packs will of course remain, depending on the rank you reach. As a result, the 86+ FUT Champions Upgrade SBC also suffers, which is actually a great pity.
Due to the guaranteed 89 Max OVR Hero Pack, which can be repeated once by the way, the transfer market has crashed. 88's suddenly cost 45k, and the other high rated cards have also risen sharply in some cases. The SBC fodder is more expensive than ever. If you have some luck with the 84+ player picks from the Weekend League, you collect good fodder for the Hero SBC.
On Black Friday and the surrounding days, there are crazy sales and special offers everywhere. We show you what you can expect to see in FIFA 23.
Nearly everybody knows Black Friday nowadays, and the American tradition has even made its way into our favorite video game FIFA. Traditionally, we can see special offers and huge sales everywhere once the week of sales begins. We give you the overview on which packs
cheap FIFA 23 Coins, special cards and other promos you can expect this year.