Death Blow This is the damage dealer. A monstrous move that activates berserk, can
Diablo IV Gold stun itself and can instantly resets its cooldown on kills. This is what’s doing the huge boss damage. I’ll explain how in a bit.
Call of the Ancients The ultimate I’m using. I’m not a hundred percent sure this is the right call, but it’s worked well for me thus far and has some synergy with an Affix I’m using that spawns a champion mirroring my Core move.
Bash This is my basic attack which is obviously the one that can stun every three hits. Not as important for bosses but very important for champions when no other stuns are up.
Upheaval This is the one core skill that can both stun and make you berserk. With a passive, it can also apply vulnerable which is important.
PASSIVES Not going to list all of them here but the important ones are Expose Vulnerability which makes your Core skill (Upheaval) apply vulnerable when you use Death Blow. Also have Wallop for damage to stunned enemies, and No Mercy for increased crit chance against stunned enemies. My Capstone skill is the Berserk one for near-constant uptime on 50% increased damage. My Expertise is the one that gives you damage against stunned enemies.
Weapon Masteries get an additional charge This gives you two charges on Death Blow which can mean two big hits in a row or more chances to reset the cooldown on mob kills. This also puts a stun chance on Death Blow itself.
After spending 100 Fury, gain 84% increased damage on your next Weapon Mastery This doubles your Death Blow damage after about three Upheavals. Put it on a weapon.
Distant enemies have an 8% chance to be stunned for 2 seconds when they hit you. 80% damage increase to stunned enemies Easily the most important skill that rocketed this build into the
buy Diablo 4 Gold stratosphere. The distant enemy thing isn’t important, the 80% damage increase to stunned enemies is key. This % is highest when on your 2-hand bludgeoner.