Effects Of A Bad Front Radiator Support In Your MINI
The radiator plays a huge role in helping to maintain the temperature in the engine at optimum while it runs. On its part, the radiator is supported and mounted by a front radiator support mechanism. This system protects the radiator from suffering damage by securing it under the hood of the car. The front radiator support also holds the condenser assembly and cooling fan system, preventing them from coming to harm.
The most common cause of a bad front radiator support system is an impact from bumping into something like another car or a stationary object, like a wall or pole. Getting rear-ended can also damage the front radiator support system. In the case of such an impact, the radiator support may become bent or broken; causing damage to the radiator that can also cause leakage of the coolant fluid.
The radiator plays a critical role in your engine’s performance and overall function. The radiator is ultimately responsible for keeping your engine at the optimal running temperature. When the radiator becomes damaged, it can cause serious engine performance problems. The radiator support, naturally, is there to keep your radiator intact and performing well.