My preferred melee gear is d-long, neitz, verac's top, torag legs Obby shelf, trimmed str ammy .. and boots made of d-boots
OSRS Gold. My preferred equipment for mage include mystic top, verac's top, Obby shielf arcane pulse .. I'm not sure. Before you start yelling about me generally prefer to only mage during Castle Wars where there are plenty of breathy melee and range children who love to cut me down. Yeah. I used to be involved with Pest Control quite a bit, so I'll probably drop again.
What can I do? A lot has changed! For Dungeoneering, here is what I'd do: Max prestige by resetting after finishing every floor. Be aware of the time you'll increase your level to ensure you don't miss out on the extra prestige. The first levels up until 59 are the lowest in xp of all. Once you reach the 59+ Dung level You will begin doing abandoned 2 which grants more exp than the prior course.
To attain those levels, use the ToG as well as XP Lamps/Effigies on Dungeoneering. Then do 1-29 on c1 and 30+ on C6 5 man larges (with the difficulty of 5 men), so 5:5 larges in the essence. When you reach Abandoned Two floors , and even higher Upgrade your Ring to Berserker level 5. C stands for complexity. It will determine the types of skills you can use within the dungeon as well as the decrease in exp you will receive.
Beginning at 50% at 1 complexity all the way to no reduction after 6. Prestige is the number of floors you did not repeat. Abandoned is the 4th theme floor of dung
Buy RS 2007 Gold. Begins with Frozen on floors 1-11. Abandoned one is 12-17, Furnished from 18-29, abandoned two floors at 30-35, Occult between 36-47, and Warped after 48+.