Skoldus Halls WoTLK Classic Gold
Fracture Chambers
The Soulforges
Coldheart Interstitia
The Upper Reaches
Each of the six wings contains eight layers. Each layer is more difficult. Each layer has six floors to be completed in the order. When a player has completed all six floorson a layer, they've essentially removed a layer. They will receive their Soul Ash for the week.
Players can complete whichever layer they prefer after they've completed all eight layers in ascending order. Once they have completed this, they may choose to run the layer they want. When a player completes a layer which includes both wings on the same layer, will be rewarded with all the Soul Ash rewards from every layer below as well. In other words, if a player completes layer six, even if they've not yet completed levels one through five, they'll earn those Soul Ash rewards for all six layers. Naturally, Soul Ash rewards decrease the more difficult a player goes, so they may choose to buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold only play Torghast on layer three that will give more than half of the Soul Ash for a given week.